talmage: so was kissing ME better than kissing hector? luci: *crosses his arms, looks away* yeah, definitely.

At the Rockfort Circus, later that night on the 2nd Day of the Festival, in a Dream London has created
Lunar resorts, suite #105 (Talmage & Bishop’s room) Saturday night @ 2 a
closed (unless someone wakes up) lunar resorts, room #105 (we won’t leave the suite) – friday night @ 2 am
SETTING: resistance base, sometime post-Calendora
This takes place the evening after the swords are stolen, the evening after Gwynfor’s powers are restored and arguments are had over marks.
luci: GIDLEY I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD talmage: PUT THE FUCKING KNIFE AWAY [ashley]: he's awake! Continue reading "does it have pockets" →
rocco: *yelling* RAJA!! raja: *SQUAWK SQUAWK* talmage: SHHHHH bishop: oh my GOD we're trying to be QUIET
talmage paints rocks, luci does yoga, bishop rescues a friend (?)
talmage: i think if you learned more about these things that you can do, you would be able to process that stress a lot better rocco: you know who's really good at magic, luci? talmage: (shouting) i LITERALLY can't cast most of the magic i used to be able to! rocco: ... i meant radious talmage: oh radious: *laughs* he thought you were talking about him
a cat explodes, talmage breaks & enters, luci’s intelligence is questioned
radious: is he an idiot? everyone: mmmmmmmmm ... radious: is he enough of an idiot to follow the cat here? everyone: hmmmmmmmm ...