phantom knights: 1-11

CAMROSE: ... Is it common for parents to navigate the campus?
LUDO: Only when their sons have trouble answering mail.
LEVI: I’ll reply to the next one, okay?
LUDO: Thank you, that would be lovely! I just wanted you to remember who pays your tuition.
LUDO: That’s a joke, of course!

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sunset prison break

talmage paints rocks, luci does yoga, bishop rescues a friend (?)

talmage: i think if you learned more about these things that you can do, you would be able to process that stress a lot better
rocco: you know who's really good at magic, luci?
talmage: (shouting) i LITERALLY can't cast most of the magic i used to be able to!
rocco: ... i meant radious
talmage: oh
radious: *laughs* he thought you were talking about him

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there are two dragons. you are gay

raja goes for a swim, rocco chokes on pickles, luci says goodbye

talmage: i'm just saying it's like, it's gold ... it's gold, right?
bishop: do you want me to just carry it out in my hands?
rocco: i have a jar of pickles if somebody wants to eat 'em really fast!
talmage: do you???
rocco: do you want some pickles?
talmage: to replace that jar with liquid gold? yes, i will eat a thousand pickles.
bishop: we don't have to eat the pickles, we can dump the pickles out

Continue reading “there are two dragons. you are gay”

the blood of 14 beetles

luci is bored and therefore a public menace, bishop makes friends, talmage practices normal magic in a normal way

rocco: are you sure you're not like, part cat?
bishop: no.
rocco: are you a cat god?
bishop: i am not a cat, and i am not a god.
bishop: this cat is very loud in my ear.

Continue reading “the blood of 14 beetles”