50+ | 5’2″ | he/him | drow | druid (underdark) | ranger (swamp) | phoenix
Marsh wears clothes he found in the trash and just wants to see you smile! His favorite activity is finding cool new animals and asking to ride them.
He lived in various caves for years and started losing bits of his memory (and suffering from a few physical defects) after too much exposure to raw magic. Now he has a cool sword that helps him purify nature that has been corrupted by demons. Yay!
His best friend is Dwayne, his rock.
quick look
- hyperactive goblin boy
- eats dirt
- best friend is a rock
updated: 7/4/22
– wants to see you smile!!!
– favorite activity is finding cool new animals and asking to ride them
– poor memory
emaciated | scrapes & bruises | what are shoes | eye mouth
Marsh found Dwayne in the mines & Dwayne CALLED TO HIM until Marsh rescued him from a cave squirrel & was instructed to leave this place & search for … something … but he can’t quite remember what it was ……….
his top priority is to always serve Dwayne! make sure Dwayne is satisfied always. maybe kind of figure out what is up with Dwayne but mostly don’t ask too many questions
also to try to remember what Dwayne first asked him to do without having to ask again because Dwayne hates repeating himself
he spent lotta years in the caves exploring & finding cool new animals that looked strange & smelt weird
there was definitely a corrupted magic pool near where he frequented, & sometimes poked at. never messed with it too bad, but his exposure to it & the general solitude took a toll.
his memory got even worse (he doesn’t remember most of the first half of his life), he’s also got this sick mouth where his eye used to be because fuck it i wanted an eye mouth. it doesn’t talk and can’t eat anything but he can store things in it sometimes. it’s not sentient & is something marsh can poorly control like someone who can wiggle their ears
HE’S PRETTY IMPORTANT because he was chosen by someone all-powerful!! & clearly people know that bc whenever they meet him for the first time they look very shocked. it’s very hard to take in i realize, please calm yourselves.
he’s also himself? and it’s silly to not think you are important? this does not make sense to marsh. if someone told marsh they hated themselves he would not understand
- (animal/nature-related) magic proficiency at an early age / speaking w/ animals etc
- ATTEMPTED training by professionals
- “team-building” in the mines
- mining on his own for like 10 years. found cool rocks & avoided dying by cave-in & nature
- weird magic in the mines makin his magic weird, testing that shit out, kinda just living near the magic for a very long time [magic training pt. 1]
- exploring THE WILDERNESS (cave/mine systems, swamps, eventually leaves naimei and roams the dangerous world alone) [magic training pt. 2]
- basically fights whatever tries to kill him and wins. a lot of beast fighting. sometimes he’d wrestle big animals to see if he could win, also it’s fun, also killing for fun isn’t smthn he’s interested in
so marsh is weird but he was actually always pretty weird … weird enough that if people who knew him saw him now they’d be like … yeah, you know, i’m not like … SUPER surprised? he had a better handle on his memory (sorta) and kept friends (somewhat) but he mostly was just really hard to get to stay in one place.
he had a “magical awakening” p darn early which filled his parents w/ hope that he’d turn out to be smthn cool, so they put a lot of time & money into trying to grow that magic. but anyone in any kind of teaching or parenting position was really frustrated w/ him. he was v bad at listening, lost focus a lot. comparing it to autism comes to mind?
he eventually became a gold miner … he did that for a while. he worked w/ a specific mining group at first, but right away it was clear he’s bad w/ following orders so he started going off on solo expeditions because then he gets to do things his way and on his own time, he can be as slow or fast as he wants. he learned this was a dangerous way to live, but by now he’d fiddled with magic more. learned to protect himself and sense when things weren’t right with his surroundings. plus his magic felt more exciting in the mines! n the deeper he went the longer he wanted to stay.
he stopped coming home so tbh his parents probably think he’s dead?
so marsh is weird but he was actually always pretty weird … weird enough that if people who knew him saw him now they’d be like … yeah, you know, i’m not like … SUPER surprised? he had a better handle on his memory and morals (sorta) and kept friends (somewhat) but he mostly was just really hard to get to stay in one place. he had a “magical awakening” p darn early which filled his parents w/ hope that he’d turn out to be smthn cool, so they put a lot of time & money into trying to grow that magic. but anyone in any kind of teaching or parenting position was really frustrated w/ him. he was v bad at listening, lost focus a lot. comparing it to autism comes to mind? his parents wanted him to become some kind of nature wizard but once they realized he wouldn’t make it in academia they sort of abandoned that notion and just wanted him to be good at something.
he eventually became a gold miner … he did that for a while. he worked w/ a specific mining group at first, but right away it was clear he’s bad w/ following orders so he started going off on solo expeditions because then he gets to do things his way and on his own time, he can be as slow or fast as he wants. he learned this was a dangerous way to live, but by now he’d fiddled with his magic more. learned to protect himself and sense when things weren’t right with his surroundings. plus his magic felt more exciting in the mines! n the deeper he went the longer he wanted to stay. he stopped coming home so tbh his parents probably think he’s dead? anyway he spent lotta years down there explorin n testing magic n finding cool new animals that looked strange n smelt weird
there was def a ~rancid magic pool~ he either was NEAR or actually found and sometimes poked at. never messed with it too bad. may have thrown an animal into it once. his exposure to it and the general solitude took a toll, his memory is even worse (doesnt remember most of the first half of his life), (IM UNSURE IF THIS HAS AFFECTED HIS MAGIC….i realize it might have but rn im saying no bc thats too much goin on but lemme know if smthn should be different) hes also got this sick mouth where his eye used to be because fuck it i wanted an eye mouth. it doesnt talk and cant eat anything but he can store things in it sometimes. its not sentient & is smthn marsh can poorly control like someone who can wiggle their ears
friend turned demigod turned rock turned egg turned phoenix
trillfun & rowdy!!!
will take risks with him
nadiranice on the inside …
but worries too much!
we cloned him!!!
also he has a weird arm?
devoniusalso green
was in one of marsh’s classes in primary school. got paired together for the first partner project. vi wasn’t SUPER pleased about it at first but then learned he was interesting to talk to & fun to work w/ if done the right way.
sister – wants 2 fight in tournaments !!!! also v hands-on n physical, fighter type
one of the cats that aided him as a kid & his first like, real friend lmao. is super dead now
mom – very harsh and tends to say things w/o sugarcoating it. cares deeply for her family but more about her family image
dad – writes & illustrates children’s storybooks. mostly retelling of existing stories but some he makes up on his own to teach lessons
- BIRTHDAY: March 20th (Earth Day/Spring Equinox/Extraterrestrial Abductions Day)
- SEXUALITY: demisexual panromantic
- PROFESSION: royal escort
- ALIGNMENT: chaotic good
- ZODIAC: Pisces/Aries cusp
- VOICE: Chris Parson as Junkrat (but softer)
innocent delight. wonderment
run boy run
not necessarily running from something, but always on the move
frontier psychiatrist
some birds are funny when they talk!
cotton eye joe
you know that video of the lawn mower flying off into the sky
turn the lights off
eyes of yellow, scales & feathers
preliminary art form
life has so many simple joys!!!
an unhealthy disconcert for his own well-being. take his brain, or what remains
axel f
this is fucking marshcore & no one can tell me otherwise
monkey tree
the trees, caves, & swamps taught him all he needed to know
we like to party! (six flags)
you know that video of the lawn m
cockroach king
i fantasized about flying with golden wings
it CAN get weirder