luci: GIDLEY I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD talmage: PUT THE FUCKING KNIFE AWAY [ashley]: he's awake! Continue reading "does it have pockets"

luci: GIDLEY I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD talmage: PUT THE FUCKING KNIFE AWAY [ashley]: he's awake! Continue reading "does it have pockets" →
rocco: *yelling* RAJA!! raja: *SQUAWK SQUAWK* talmage: SHHHHH bishop: oh my GOD we're trying to be QUIET
bishop flies, we play children’s card games, rocco punches a bird
[ashley]: it's not THAT hard to juggle [ashley]: i can juggle [shad]: of course you can [shad]: & you can make BALLOON animals GO TO THE FUCKING CIRCUS ASHLEY