LANTERN KING: You should be more mindful of your guardian. LANTERN KING: Please, keep that ... handled.

LANTERN KING: You should be more mindful of your guardian. LANTERN KING: Please, keep that ... handled.
OREV: ... I'm gonna be reinforcing my door, is all I'm saying. SALEM: I mean, you don't really have to do that, but if it makes you feel better— OREV: No, I probably will anyways. OREV: You're a nightmare and a menace.
OREV: (relieved) ... Oh GOD OREV: I wasn’t sure to be WORRIED or SCARED— I THOUGHT you were gonna say that it happened to ANJAY and I was like, GOD, ya finally killed him didn’t ya? You finally just snapped and ya killed somebody in the middle of a match. OREV: But no, it’s yer snake? What’s wrong with yer snake?