her and Nero were classmates in grade/high school! ciera liked to play outside and roughhouse, probably was in some kind of sport. she dresses VERY CUTE lots of frills and ribbons and pastels.

where nero liked illusions, Ciera liked conjuration and enchantment spells. it got her in a little bit of trouble growing up. she shows an extreme interest in magic, but more because of how exciting it is and what it can do, not really interested in learning the history behind it or even how it happens, she just … wants it to happen.

she eventually admitted to having a crush on Nero, which took him completely by surprise and it sort of … ended their friendship. (not that either of them announced it as an “ended friendship,” they just started avoiding each other and stopped reaching out to one another.)

(Nero was definitely the one who took it more poorly – Ciera is very casual and didn’t think something like this would affect him that badly)

eventually Ciera found Nero’s traveling party & acted as Toivo’s mentor for learning a new school of magic.


wood elf

Nero’s favorite professor, she taught mostly illusory magics; but when she realized Nero took like a bigger interest in it than her other students she offered to teach him more stuff outside of class, on her own time. they became close friends & would hang out and get lunch and talk about Nero’s future and what he wanted to do with his magic. their friendship turned into a sort of aunt/nephew relationship!


high elf wizard (conjuration), 23, 5’3″

was quite possibly the smartest person in the entire school – very very high intelligence, due to both hard training/studying and the fact that it all comes very easy to him. he knows just how to study and what ways he learns the best, he’s so good it seems natural. he always seemed to be competing for position of smartest person around, being teacher’s pet meant MUCH more to him than any of the other students. (even Nero, somehow.) he’s snooty and goes out of his way to point out when you’re wrong (he has a cartoony smarmy rich-boy tone) and probably tried making Nero his academic rival (but Nero never picked up on it so they just studied together.) he definitely uses product to make his hair perfect.


human wizard (transmutation), 25, 6’4″

she always showed interest in druid magic as well, but didn’t pursue it as far as Nero was concerned. EXTREMELY clumsy, but EXTREMELY lucky … she always seems to be narrowly missing certain death. very stressful to be friends with. a little absent-minded – wouldn’t show up for class sometimes simply because she thought it was a different day … or a different year.

Nero tried to implement a planner system to get her life more organized, but she lost that immediately. she has a terrible memory, however for some reason she can remember recipes PERFECTLY. she can remember spells so long as she thinks about the spell as if it were a meal she were cooking, otherwise she has to read the spell directly from the book. (in fact she can remember most things if she just thinks of them as a recipe.)


human wizard (necromancy), 24, 5’11”

that fucking Art Student

sees life as something that never really ends therefore he doesn’t fear death or see it as something purely negative. totally believes in reincarnation, speaks very monotone and ponders EVERYTHING. you ask him a question and he like….thinks….about his answer…..really deeply……before responding…… he also has an extensive vocabulary. can really make you rethink how you view something!